© 2009 Heather

Source Card

 The Source Card is one of three Transpersonal Cards used in SoulCollage. It represents our Divine Source, the Unmanifest, the Mystery, Foundation of Being. I consider my Source Card the most powerful and special card of my personal deck.

When I took the SoulCollage Facilitators’ Workshop with Seena Frost in California, it fascinated me to see how different each Source Card was for the 25 or so participants. We lay our cards on the floor in a circle and walked around them, admiring each other’s visions. Some people used a flower to represent their Divine Source, others a galaxy of stars or a field or mountain landscape. Most had simple but evocative images.

My Source Card

I felt drawn to the notion that I am connected to the cosmos, that my tiny being is part of a vast, undefinable space, that everything shares the same Divine Essence. That’s why I included the image of a small person within the realm of stars and meteors.

I loved the image of a flaming orb, the fiery power that fuels my call to action. It also made me think of the Big Bang and my link to the universe.

The small cluster of white is an ice crystal, I believe. Since I chose the image intuitively, it didn’t really matter what it was. I felt drawn to it because it made me think of all of the tiny particles that clump together to form such a shape, the sense of the One and the Many.

The white circle of light made me think of auras and spiritual light or energy. The photo is actually an image of a backlit dandelion head. I liked the notion of something unwanted (I have far too many dandelions in my yard and garden!) appearing as an object of beauty. Dandelions send a multitude of tiny seeds out into the world, and that symbolism appealed to me.

Find out more about SoulCollage and the card suits.

One Trackback

  1. By crystal light on December 16, 2010 at 2:50 am

    crystal light…


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